Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) plus Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Helps Treat Limb Wounds
June 24, 2013
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a safe and cost-effective source of growth factors that stimulate cells to repair tissue. Bone marrow cells may be effective in management of chronic skin ulcers. Combining these two properties, a research group set out to determine the impact of PRP derived from two sources in the body, peripheral blood (pb-PRP) versus bone marrow (bm-PRP), in treating wounds on ischemic limbs. Wounds on ischemic limbs are notorious for healing poorly because they lack adequate blood flow. In addition, it is estimated that the number of chronic wounds on ischemic limbs will multiply due to increased amounts of peripheral arterial diseases worldwide. The study showed that bm-PRP cells injected into wounds remained at the injury site 4 weeks compared to just 2 weeks for pb-PRP, and that wounds injected with bm-PRP showed a significantly smaller skin defect area compared to pb-PRP at all time periods measured during healing. In conclusion, wound healing on ischemic limbs was accelerated with bm-PRP, but pb-PRP was no better than placebo saline. The Orthohealing Center is pioneering the use of bone marrow blood with PRP as a non-surgical treatment option for orthopedic injuries throughout the body including tendon and joint pain.