New York Mets Jose Reyes receives platelet rich plasma for hamstring injury

September 13, 2009

According the the New York Post & ESPN news, NY mets baseball player Jose Reyes received a PRP injection to treat a hamstring tear.

“Reyes said he received a shot that has helped in the healing process. He also underwent platelet-rich plasma therapy, which entails removing blood from the affected area and injecting it back into the patient after “bad” components have been removed.

“It’s helping me out a lot — I feel better,” Reyes said.”

NY Post

PRP may help cut rehabilitation time in half, thus accelerating return to play for high priced athletes.  I have treated many professional athletes with similar hamstring tears & have found the injection to give these athletes a boost in the recovery process.  Furthermore, PRP may potentially extend their athletic careers by treating the actual tear as opposed to masking it like cortisone does.


Many more professional athletes are receiving PRP treatment which is increasing awarenessto the public.  Several studies are in the pipeline that will only continue to fuel demand from patients seeking natural based solutions to their injuries.

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