Dr Steven Sampson of the Orthohealing Center was featured in China’s Newspaper discussing PRP use in orthopedics & sports medicine. 2 other Physicians referenced in the article, Dr Allan Mishra (Stanford Univ, CA) & Dr Patrick Goh ( Singapore) will be attending Dr Aampson’s 3rd annual regenerative symposium this weekend, July 13-15 in Los Angeles, CA. The seminar features world leaders in cutting edge medicine along with musculoskeletal ultrasound training, education, and a cadaver lab. www.prpseminar.com.
Worldwide, PRP & biologic based injections like Regenokine, Bone Marrow concentrate, etc are growing. More and more evidence is emerging so that we can better understand which patients may benefit from these interventions & which may not. PRP use is growing in cardiovascular disease as well to address an epidemic in the US & abroad.