Fascia Hydrodissection

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a connective tissue “jacket” that surrounds and supports muscles, organs, and bones throughout the body. Composed of collagen and hyaluronic acid, it plays a vital role in musculoskeletal health. Key properties include:

  • Structure: fascia has multiple layers with measurable features like thickness, density, and fiber organization, which can be visualized with musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSKUS).
  • Flexibility: it includes dynamic superficial and deep layers, enabling muscles to expand and contract based on their active or resting states.
    Nourishment: fascia contains capillaries that deliver nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.
  • Nerve Support: thin, delicate nerves pass through small openings within the fascial layers, providing sensory input.

What causes fascia problems?:

Fascia dysfunction can be caused by systemic or localized factors. Systemic issues include hypermobility, autoimmune conditions, metabolic imbalances, inflammation, or reduced production of fascia components. Localized dysfunction may result from injuries, repetitive strain, nearby surgery, prior fracture, or chronic compensations in specific areas.

When fascia is negatively affected, it can cause structural and functional problems:

  • Reduced Circulation: poor blood flow to muscles can decrease muscles’ ability to efficiency contract, potentially leading to trigger points and myofascial pain syndrome (MFPS).
  • Nerve Constriction: tight fascia can compress delicate nerves, causing neurogenic inflammation.
  • Hardening: fascia may become rigid, clumped, or fibrotic.
  • Inflammation: increased fluid between fascia layers, a sign of inflammation.
  • Fragility: weakened fascia can disrupt the natural boundary between fascia and muscle.

What is fascia hydrodissection?

Fascia hydrodissection targets fascia abnormalities identified through imaging (MSKUS) and related symptoms. The procedure is administered to address these dysfunctions, thereby improving mobility, reducing pain, and enhancing overall function and quality of life.

Injectate options include:

Using ultrasound guidance, a needle delivers these specialized solutions to loosen thickened fascia or reduce inflammation and swelling.

Please note that multiple sessions may be necessary for optimal results.

What conditions does fascia hydrodissection treat?

This approach is often used to address conditions involving pain, inflammation, or restricted movement caused by fascia-related abnormalities. Common conditions include:

  • Chronic Pain Syndromes: indicated by myofascial pain or neurogenic inflammation.
  • Overuse Injuries: tendinitis, or repetitive muscle strain injuries that involve fascia irritation.
  • Nerve Entrapment Syndromes: examples include pronator teres syndrome, obturator neuropathy, radial tunnel syndrome, or cluneal neuropathy.
  • Edema or Swelling: post-surgical or injury-related inflammation causes fascia distention and dysfunction.
  • Scarring or Adhesions: indicated by post-injury or surgical scar tissue that limits mobility and causes pain.
  • Sports Injuries: caused when the fascia tears or overstretches, or by chronic sports-related overuse.

What are the benefits of fascia hydrodissection?

This innovative treatment involves the precise injection of fluid into the layers of fascia under ultrasound guidance to improve tissue mobility, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain and stiffness. Potential key benefits include:

  • Pain relief: reduces nerve compression and inflammation by freeing up nerve pathways embedded within the fascia; and alleviates myofascial pain and trigger points caused by restricted fascia.
  • Improved tissue mobility: breaks up adhesions and fibrotic areas within the fascia, allowing smoother movement between muscle and connective tissue layers.
  • Reduced inflammation: flushes out inflammatory mediators and improves fascia function.

What to expect during fascia hydrodissection

The patient begins the session lying comfortably on their side, back or stomach. Using ultrasound guidance, the doctor anesthesizes the subcutaneous space and then carefully administers the injection into the affected fascia. Additionally, the treating physician may administer trigger point injections to the center of the muscle should there be a suspicion of concurrent trigger points.

Please note that oral nitrous oxide is also available to minimize stress and anxiety, allowing for a more tolerable experience.

When can I expect results from fascia hydrodissection?

Patients can generally expect to notice results within a few days to a few weeks after receiving this treatment. However, the actual timeline varies depending on the severity of the condition, the patient’s overall health, and the body’s natural healing response.

  • Immediate effects: some patients experience a reduction in pain or improved mobility right after the procedure due to the release of adhesions and reduced pressure on nerves.
  • 1 – 2 weeks: as inflammation subsides and the injected solution promotes healing, further improvement in pain relief and range of motion is often observed.
  • 4 – 6 weeks: more substantial and lasting benefits may become apparent as the fascia heals and normal function is restored.

Multiple sessions might be necessary to achieve the best outcomes for those with chronic or severe conditions. Your physician will provide personalized guidance regarding what to expect, based on your condition.

Are there side effects associated with fascia hydrodissection?

The Orthohealing Center’s practitioners use ultrasound guidance to enhance precision and safety. And although there are no known risk factors associated with this procedure, temporary side effects include a sensation of fullness, increased soreness at the injection site, and / or mild bruising. Your doctor may recommend limiting activity associated with the treated area for 24 – 72 hours post-procedure.

Is fascia hydrodissection covered by insurance?

Although not covered by insurance at the Orthohealing Center, fascia hydrodissection is a cost-effective treatment. Please connect with our office directly for more information on this, and for payment options.

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