Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy (EMTT®)

Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy (EMTT®) is an FDA-approved, noninvasive procedure that addresses conditions such as lower back and knee pain, tendinopathies, rotator cuff, Achilles tendonitis, and sports injuries.

What is EMTT® treatment?

EMTT® is a noninvasive, evidence-based procedure developed specifically for the treatment of degenerative joint disorders, acute and chronic pain, and sports injuries. It uses high-energy magnetic pulses transmitted to the affected areas of the body. Due to the high oscillation frequency, EMTT® enables a high penetration depth and treats a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.

What Conditions Does EMTT® Treat?

The team at Orthohealing Center is among the first in the United States using EMTT® to address the following musculoskeletal conditions:

  • Degenerative joint disorders
  • Chronic and acute pain
  • Overuse sports and work-related injuries

About the EMTT® Procedure

EMTT® is an outpatient therapy that’s well-tolerated by most. As patients remain fully-clothed during treatments, there is no direct skin contact or need for any kind of anesthesia. To administer EMTT®, a handpiece is positioned over the area of pain. Sessions take a minimal amount of time and treated individuals can immediately bear weight and return to normal activity shortly following the procedure.

How Many EMTT® Treatments are Required?

Depending on the diagnosis, tolerance to treatment, and extent of damage, sessions may be conducted one to two times a week, with up to 10 in a five-week period. The treatment takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Many patients report a significant improvement in their symptoms after just a few sessions. EMTT® is often combined with shockwave therapy for enhanced effects.

Is EMTT® Safe?

Developed in Europe, this FDA-approved technology is currently used around the globe. A breadth of medical experience, state-of-the-art engineering, and optimal quality are integrated into each EMTT® device, and extensive clinical studies and tests have confirmed the safety and efficacy of the treatment.

If performed by a qualified caregiver, EMTT® has virtually no risks. Possible side effects are minimal and include discomfort during treatment or reddening.

Patients with the following should not receive EMTT® treatment:

  • Pacemakers and other sensitive electronic implants
  • Implants, if not safe for MRI
  • Pregnancy

EMTT® Published Research:

  • Krath, A. et al., Journal of Orthopaedics, 14(3):410-415, 2017.
    Electromagnetic transduction therapy in non-specific low back pain: A prospective randomised controlled trial
  • Klüter, T. et al., Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 37(4):175-183, 2018.
    Electromagnetic transduction therapy and shockwave therapy in 86 patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy: A prospective randomized controlled trial.
  • Gerdesmeyer, L. et al., The Journal for Foot and Ankle Surgery, 56(5):964-967, 2017.
    Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Preliminary Report on a New Technology.
  • Klüter, T. et al., Journal of Orthopedic Research and Therapy: JORT-1113. DOI: 10.29011/2575-8241.001113, 2018.
    Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy in Patients with Chronic Aseptic Osteitis Pubis
  • Ringeisen, M., Ludger, G., Presentation at the annual congress of the umbrella association osteology (DVO), March 2018, Dresden.
    Therapy of traumatic/mechanical bone marrow edema with electromagneto-transduction therapy [in German].
  • Knobloch et al. Novel extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy and high-energy focused electromagnetic extracorporeal shockwave therapy as bone stimulation therapy for scaphoid Non-union. A case report 2021.
  • Knobloch et al. Extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy (EMTT) and high-energetic focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) as bone stimulation therapy for metacarpal non-union – a case report. 2021

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