Dr Steven Sampson, Orthohealing Center Interviewed by Chicago Bulls Team Physician Dr Brian Cole on ESPN Radio 1000 on the use of Ultrasound and Platelet Rich Plasma in Sports Medicine

July 6, 2012

Dr Steven Sampson was recently interviewed by renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon Brian Cole MD from Chicago, IL on ESPN Radio 1000. Dr Cole is the Section Head of the Cartilage Research Program at Rush University Medical Center and the Cartilage Restoration Center at Rush, specializing in  restoration of articular cartilage and meniscus injuries. He actively serves as the team physician for the Chicago Bulls, Co-team doc for the Chicago White Sox, & Depaul University in Chicago.

Dr Steven Sampson was interviewed specifically about how valuable the integration of musculoskjeletal ultrasound has been in clinical practice to rapidly & cost effectively provide accurate diagnosis & treatment. It’s important for people to be aware that this technology is not reserved only for pro athletes that we treat; but i savailable for our patients with everyday pain!

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