Dr Steven Sampson of the Orthohealing Center on The Doctors TV show today demonstrating Neural Prolotherapy Injections to naturally treat pain.

Tune in to CBS 2pm Pacific time Friday March 2nd  to learn  about a breakthrough new treatment that naturally reduces pain & promotes healing!  Dr Steven Sampson demonstrates a knee injection with neural prolotherapy on the Doctors TV show. The show is viewed by millions of viewers worldwide and is a great medium to share this exciting new therapy around the globe. Dr Sampson learned of this revolutionary approach to pain from visiting Dr John Lyftgoft from New Zealand. Dr’s at the Orthohealing Center regularly host thought leaders in orthopedics from all over to adapt new treatment and technology to offer the latest cutting edge therapies to our patients.

Neural prolotherapy is based on the premise that hundreds of nerves exist just beneath the skin and play a key role in regulating pain & healing. When these small nerves get constricted from trauma they increase pressure & dump chemicals called peptides (substance P & CGRP). This leads to pain and inflammation along with swelling of tissue, loss of type I collagen (tendon degeneration), and limited blood flow. These chemicals also have a proven effect on the brain causing depression & exhaustion. Furthermore the release of these peptides trigger an immune response which leads to cartilage deterioration & osteoarthritis. More & more research has pointed to the immune system as a key player in arthritis. Now we believe that by regulating these nerves just beneath the skin, we can regulate the immune system to potentially heal injuries.

This outlook is a complete paradigm shift and will certainly change the way we look at pain. For so long patients have pointed to a spot (like the outside shoulder/deltoid or lower knee) & say “it hurts here.” We would explain to them there is nothing there & the pain is referred. Now we know there is something there & these nerves are critical to promote healing. When we examine patients we now look for these nerves which may be swollen. They can’t be seen on an MRI or x-ray but can be felt & follow a specific anatomical pattern.

Learn more about our progressive non-surgical orthopedic treatments: https://www.orthohealing.org/blog/diagnoses-and-treatments/treatments/

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