Dr Steven Sampson Receives Orthobiologics and Regenerative Medicine Outstanding Educational Achievement Award in in Seville, Spain. Dr Sampson Lectures on Shockwave Therapy and Regenerative Medicine History and Trajectory

April 7, 2023

Biologics are booming in Spain! The atmosphere was buzzing. With orthopedic surgeons, sports med & PM&R docs Interested in learning more about PRP Platelet Rich Plasma. Lots of similar challenges as in the US, in terms of doctors getting comfortable with standardized protocols and recommending them to patients as it’s a self-pay procedure ( not covered by insurance). Due to regulatory guidelines in Spain, they are limited with options; but can offer hyaluronic acid (for tendons and Joints), cortisone, and PRP (plus physiotherapy & surgery, etc).

Dr. Sampson Lectured at II Curso Internacional OrtobioMsk in Seville, organized by Pedro Bernaldez MBA, MD Ph.D. featuring some of the region’s premier clinicians as well as the next generation of thought leaders in the field. We can see more clinicians across Europe providing PRP and initiating programs in their institutions.

Dr. Sampson spoke on shockwave therapy as a biologic tool for soft tissue, tendon, and bone. Interestingly while many in the room use shockwave, they do not combine with PRP for synergistic effects.

Dr. Sampson received a humbling award & shared his story of creating TOBI The Orthobiologic Institute the first dedicated international orthobiologics conference 15 years ago, and how to provide Orthobiologics 2.0 (cell counting, PRP classification, data collection, the need for Regen Med Organizations to collaborate further and what’s lies ahead.

There were insightful recorded lectures from Dr. Sampon’s colleagues Chris Centeno, M.D. M.D. Don Buford, MD Rikin Patel, DO from the USA.

The field is growing at a rapid pace. Using ultrasound and providing PRP stimulates physician creativity opening new ideas to approach musculoskeletal pain. Dr. Sampson sees biologics as both science and art. Beginners need to understand the nuances like selecting the appropriate platelet formulation and using image guidance to comprehensively treat a body region vs simple injection.

Most doctors in Europe do not use ultrasound for knee intra-articular injections and he emphasized the importance of using ultrasound for all Injections and targeting multiple pain generators with an organ approach.

Much like in the USA, doctors are excited to add PRP in Europe but are limited by insurance constraints. They need encouragement to cultivate a community of patients willing to self-pay for non-traditional treatments that may offer advantages over cortisone or surgery depending on the case. In some communities, it can take up to 18 months for surgery. Because they can’t perform other cellular therapies like BMAC, we will See more intraosseous procedures likely as a cost-effective option for more advanced conditions when traditional PRP injections can be ineffective.

A 9-hour time Difference & 8 flights in 7 days takes its toll and he was ready to head home!

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