New article discusses the increasing use of musculoskeletal ultrasound in Spine Pain Management

January 29, 2012

In a recent publication of Pain Medicine News: Ultrasound Demonstrations Fuel debate on Clinical Role in pain Medicine.The article discusses how the increased use of  Musculoskeletal ultrasound is enhancing spine pain management  & changing the way we perform state of the art procedures. More studies are needed to learn what specific spine procedures are superior to relying on the standard x-ray (fluoroscopy) for visualization.  Advantages of ultrasound noted include decreased radiation exposure for the patient/doctor & better visualization of soft tissues & cost effectiveness. Pain management physicians are encouraged to explore this technology in efforts of possibly improving quality of care & safety.

We find that particular procedures can be done in the office with ultrasound which cuts down on the cost for the patient rather than having to go to a surgical center. However there are particular spine procedures that are best performed under x-ray guidance (fluoroscopy) vs ultrasound. At least more spine specialists & pain managements are becoming increasingly aware of this available technology.

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