The Relationship between the Microgut and Musculoskeletal Pain and Inflammation
October 28, 2022
I really enjoyed this read. While I’m aware that subchondral bone in advanced joint OA and spine endplates have increased unique abnormal gut bacteria, I was not aware of some points reviewed in this paper.
The Microbiome is seen as an endocrine organ functionally that regulates homeostasis via the bloodstream to distal sites in the body. Dopamine & Seratonin is produced in the gut.
Additional Noteworthy Points
• Leptin from the gut may be a promising biomarker for predicting acute pain transition to chronic pain syndromes.
• Opioid tolerance may disrupt the gut barrier causing dysbiosis.
• Streptococcus species may be linked to knee osteoarthritis.
• There’s a discussion regarding connections from the gut to neuropathic pain, systemic inflammation, and more.
This a relatively new field that will gain traction as more evidence mounts. You are what you eat!
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