Exciting news! Orthohealing Center’s Danielle Aufiero MD, awarded Orthopaedic Honoree at 2017 Arthritis Foundation’s Walk to Cure Arthritis!

April 30, 2016

We’re honored to announce that Danielle Aufiero MD was selected as the Los Angeles 2017 Orthopaedic Honoree by the Arthritis Foundation! We are committed to finding a cure for this disease that affects so many Americans and our military. As a result of active lifestyles & associated injuries we are seeing an epidemic of osteoarthritis, especially in younger individuals in the community. Following knee injuries like ACL or meniscus tears, arthritis often quickly develops. We are working closely with the Arthritis Foundation to support cutting edge research to intervene early & combat this disease. Please support our team by coming out to UCLA Westwood & joining us or PLEASE donate to our fundraising page… Our goal is to rasie $35,000 from the Orthohealing “Hip-sters.” With your help we can reach closer to a cure for degenerative joint disease.

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