White Blood Cell (WBC) effects of platelet rich plasma (PRP) on cartilage loss in a mouse model of osteoarthritis.

Congratulations to TOBI Faculty and Alum, Dr. Prathap Jayaram, for his article published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage.  In affiliation with the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Jayaram and colleagues have authored a current study that utilizes both (WBC) leukocyte-rich (LR-PRP) and (WBC) leukocyte-poor PRP (LP-PRP) in an animal study of post-traumatic osteoarthritis.

Researchers recreated a point-of-care clinical scenario to understand the ways PRP may alter disease progression of osteoarthritis in a mouse model.  Upon destabilization of the medial meniscus to induce OA, intra-articular injections of either LR-PRP or LP-PRP were given to mice. Post-surgical evaluations were conducted at five-week, nine-week, and 13-week intervals for changes in pain perception.  Furthermore, histological assessments were taken at week 14 post-operative. Dr. Jayaram and colleagues observed that treatment with both PRP formulations effectively preserved cartilage volume and surface area; however, both treatment groups displayed higher OARSI scores and synovitis. Results demonstrated improved structural integrity in a pre-clinical model of OA, and therapeutic effects of PRP are dependent upon leukocyte concentrations. However, the pathology of OA was still present within the joint after treatment. Access the article here. More research is needed to understand the pros and cons of WBC presence in PRP for optimal results in osteoarthritis. At OHC, we prefer using a PRP with zero WBC (Leukocytes).

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